ECLISEA PROJECT European Advances on CLImate Services for Coasts and SEAs SURVEY ON "CLIMATE SERVICES - USER NEEDS" Step 1 of 3 33% Box 1. Definition of Climate Information The term “climate information” is understood in this survey to be closely related to the broad meaning of the term “climate services” defined in the EC Roadmap for Climate Services document. The term, if no other explanation is explicitly mentioned, includes both climate physical data and the transformation of climate-related data into general climate information and customized productsSection A - About your organisation1.- Please, specify the type of organization/individual you are representing- If you find it necessary, please include comments. a. Private business b Research institution/university. c. Governmental agency / public administration / politics. d. Civil society organization. e. Non-governmental organization. f. Education. g. Media. h. General public (private person). i. Other (please specify) j. Comments(if any) i. Other (please Specify)j. Comments(if any)2.-Please, identify the main sector or area to which your institution belongs or you are best related to: a. Energy b. Tourism c. Finance/Risk insurance. d. Transport. e. Water management. f. Agriculture and forestry. g. Aquaculture/Fisheries. h. Biodiversity i. Disaster risk reduction. j. Coastal areas management. k. Infrastructure. l. Health. m. Education/training. n. Multi-sectoral (please specify) o. I am an individual not specifically related to any sector. p. Other (please specify): n. Multi Sectoral (please Specify)p. Other (Please Specify)3. Please, specify the country and city in which your organization is located.Country*City4. Are you or your organization involved in any climate-related networks? (Examples: ERA4CS, EUMETNET, GEOSS, COPERNICUS-CLIMATE CHANGE SERVICE…)*Please Selecta. Yes (please specify)b. Noc. I Don´t Knowa. Yes (please specify) i. ERA-NET for Climate Services (ERA4CS) ii. Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S) iii. EUMETNET iv. Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) v. Climate knowledge hub vi. GEOSS vii. Other (please specify): viii. Do not know vii. Other (please specify) Section B - About climate information demand5. Please, specify what kind of climate information could be interesting for you or your organization.*- Please, check all that apply a. Easy-to-understand climate and climate change information. b. Climate related impacts information (effects on natural and human system). c. Climate related products for adaptation to climate change. d. Climate related products for mitigation to climate change. e. Historical climate databases. f. Future climate change scenarios databases. g. Other (please specify): g. Other - Please Specify h. Do not know i. Comments (if any): i. Comments(if any)6. Do you or your organization make use of climate information?* a. Yes, in our day-to-day business. b. Yes, occasionally. c. No, never used it but I/we would like to. d. No, I am/we are not interested in climate information since coastal climate and climate change related impacts are not important topics for me/us. 7. What are the main reasons that drive you to use climate information?- Please, check all options that apply. a. Design of engineering/building works (coastal or offshore infrastructures). b. Maintenance activities (e.g., offshore wind farms, ports, beach erosion, etc.). c. Operational day-to-day activities d. Tourism and recreational/sport activities e. Research activities (please specify sector/s): e. Research activities (please specify sector/s) i. Energy. ii. Tourism. iii. Finance/Risk insurance. iv. Transport. v. Water management. vi. Agriculture and forestry. vii. Aquaculture/Fisheries. viii. Biodiversity. ix. Disaster risk reduction. x. Coastal areas management. xi. Infrastructure. xii. Health. xiii. Education/training. xiv. Other (please specify): xiv. Other (please specify) f. Education/training. g. Capital investments. h. Support decisions/policy. i. Developing adaptation measures and strategies to climate change and related impacts. j. Building awareness towards climate change and adaptation measures k. Other (please specify): k. Other (please specify) l. Do not Know m. Comments(if any) m. Comments (if any)8. What is the time horizon you are interested in?- Please, according to your expertise check and rate the usefulness from 1 “not useful at all” to 5 “very useful”. - Please, check all options that apply.12345a. Past or/and present climate informationb. Weather short-term forecast (i.e. from 24h to 15 days).c. Mid-term forecast/predictions (e.g. monthly, seasonal).d. Future climate-change scenarios. e. None of them f. Do Not Know g. Comments (if any) g. Comments(if any)9. What spatial resolution of climate information do you usually acquire or are interested in?*- Please, check all options that apply. a. Global scale. b. National. c. Regional (sub-national). d. Local (e.g. city level) e. Infrastructure level. f. Other (please specify): f. Other(please specify) g. Do not know. h. Comments(if any) h. Comments(if any)10. what climate variables do you usually need?- Please, check and rate the usefulness of these variables for your organisation, from 1 “not useful at all” to 5 “very useful”. - Please, check all options that apply. - Please, check just the first level – a, b, c, d, e– if you are not sure about the second level (i, ii, iii, etc.). a. Coastal / Ocean waves a. Coastal / Ocean waves12345i. Significant wave height sea-state parameter.ii. Mean period sea-state parameter.iii. Peak period sea-state parameter.iv. Mean wave direction sea-state parameter.v. Peak wave direction sea-state Wind-sea wave parameters/Swell wave parameters.vii. Full wave spectrum data. b. Sea level b. Sea level12345i. Local datum / reference levels.ii. Mean sea level.iii. Astronomical tide.iv. Storm surge. c. Wind c. Wind12345i. Surface wind speed.ii. Surface wind direction.iii. Wind info at a height different from standard (10 meters). d. Marine currents d. Marine currents12345i. Surface currents.ii. Depth-averaged currents.iii. Bottom currents. e. Temperature e. Temperature12345i. Sea surface temperature.ii. Air temperature. f. Other (please specify): f. Other (Please specify) g. None of them. h. Do not know. i. Comments(if any) i. Comments(if any)11. What climate statistical data do you usually need?- Please, check and rate the usefulness of these variables for your organisation, from 1 “not useful at all” to 5 “very useful”. - Please, check all options that apply. - Please, check just the first level – a, b, c, d, e– if you are not sure about the second level (i, ii, iii, etc.). a. Averaged values (monthly, seasonal, annual) a. Averaged values (monthly, seasonal, annual)12345 b. Time series b. Time series12345i. 10 min. time resolution.ii. 1 hour time resolution.iii. Daily time resolution.iv. Other (please specify target time resolution): c. Extreme Values c. Extreme Values12345i. Maximum values.ii. Peaks over a thresholdiii. Duration of extreme eventsiv. Return values (e.g. value associated to 100 year return period) d. Dispersion estimates (e.g., total rate, standard deviation) d. Dispersion estimates (e.g., total rate, standard deviation).12345 e. Information of the variable distribution (e.g., probability distribution, percentiles). e. Information of the variable distribution (e.g., probability distribution, percentiles).12345 f. Directional information (e.g., roses, tables, polar charts) f. Directional information (e.g., roses, tables, polar charts).12345 g. Joint distribution of two variables (e.g., waves vs. local wind). g. Joint distribution of two variables (e.g., waves vs. local wind).12345 h. Do not use statistics i. Other (please specify): i. Other (please specify) j. Do not know. k. Comments(if any) k. Comments(if any)12. How do you usually access to the climate data or climate information?- Please, check all options that apply. a. E-mail (climate data attached files). b. External drive device (climate data files). c. Online climate information providers: c. Online climate information providers: i. http. ii. FTP. iii. OpenDap. iv. OGC Services (WCS, WFS, etc.). vi. Do not know. d. Through non-technical/scientific channels: d. Through non-technical/scientific channels: i. Radio/tv. ii. Newspapers. iii. Thematic websites. iv. Project dissemination. e. Conferences/experts discussions. f. Workshops. g. Scientific publications. h. We produce our own climate information. i. Other (please specify): i. Other(please specify) k. Comments (if any): k. Comments (if any)13. From which data centres or platforms do you usually acquire climate information or related services?- Please, check all options that apply. a. National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS). b. European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). c. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). d. US National Centres (e.g. NCEP-NCAR, NOAA, USGS, NASA, etc.). e. Research institution. f. Private company. g. Own data. h. Other (please specify): h. Other(please specify) i. Do not know. j. Comments (if any): j. Comments(if any)14. What are the reasons for using the previously indicated data centres or platforms to acquire climate information or related services?- Please, check all options that apply. a. Accessible data and easy to get. b. Availability of customized products. c. Policy restrictions. d. Free of charge. e. Own data. f. Other (please specify): f. Other(please specify) g. Do not know. h. Comments (if any): h. Comments(if any)15. What is your common/preferred format to receive climate information? a. Regular text format. b. Excell format. c. GIS formats (e.g. shape files, geodatabases). d. NetCDF, GRIB, HDF format. e. Reports/maps/graphics. f. Customized formats for specific applications (please, if possible, specify): f. Customized formats for specific applications (please, if possible, specify): g. Other (please specify): g. Other(please specify) h. Do not know. i. Comments (if any): i. Comments(if any)16. The climate information you usually acquire is: a. Free of charge. b. At low cost. c. At high cost. d. Do not know. e. Comments (if any): e. Comments(if any)17. In general terms, do the available climate data/information, data centres, price, formats and access channels meet your specific requirements? a. Yes. b. No (please specify what is missing): c. Do not Know d. Comments (if any) b. No(Please specify what its missing)d. Comments(if any) Section C – Barriers and enablers in the use of climate information18. Which are the main reasons or barriers that (may) limit you or your organisation in the use of climate data or climate information?- Please, check all that apply and add a brief explanation regarding your choice in the comments section. a. Climate information is not a priority for us. b. Do not know where to find climate and climate change databases. c. Accessibility to climate information is complex. d. Lack of awareness. e. Lack of time. f. Lack of own resources and/or qualified personnel. g. Lack of understanding of (scientific) information on climate, climate change and climate-related impacts. h. Uncertainty associated to climate projections and climate change scenarios. i. Lack of continuous and homogeneous databases. j. Lack of confidence / lack of metadata. k. Climate-related responsibilities are not clearly defined. l. Economic barriers (please, if possible, specify): l. Economic barriers (please, if possible, specify): m. Legal barriers (please, if possible, specify): m. Legal barriers (please, if possible, specify) n. Other (please specify): n. Others(Please Specify) p. Comments(if any) p. comments(if any)19. Please, indicate which of the following issues should be addressed to make you or your organisation use or more effectively use climate information.*- Please include a brief explanation in the comments section. a. Data formats (for example, are not useful/adequate). b. Data variables/parameters (for example, data is limited, or data is not available or data is not useful). c. No processed data available. d. No tailored made products (please specify which customized solutions, indicators, tool, etc. your organisation requires). e. Price (too expensive). f. Need to increase the knowledge/understanding and technical capacity of the members of our organisation. g. Dissemination improvement of what is available and where it can be acquired. h. Communication channels improvement between users and providers of climate information. i. A clearer information on climate data, including potential applications (translating data into useful information). j. We do not need climate data or climate information. k. Other (please specify): k. Other (please specify) l. Do not know. m. Comments(if any) m. Comments(if any)Should you have any additional comments, please do not hesitate to include themIf you wish, you will be notified regarding the general results of the survey. Please, let us know by selecting YES and including your email addressYESNOEmail*