On Thursday 31 May 2018, a virtual Workshop on ‘Stakeholders demand of marine and coastal climate information’ was held. The workshop was developed within the framework of the project ECLISEA (European advances on CLImate Services for Coasts and SEAs). ECLISEA is part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI climate and co-funded by the European Union. The workshop aimed to better understand climate information needs from multi-sector stakeholders, including offshore energy, tourism, navigation and risk insurance. The information demanded by stakeholders will be considered during the whole work plan of ECLISEA in order to adapt the climate services to their needs.
Thirty stakeholders participated in the workshop, coming from public and private institutions and companies from Spain, Greece, France and Germany. Stakeholders provided different and interesting perspectives on climate information needs.
During the Workshop, a complementary activity was launched: the on-line Survey on ‘Climate Services and User Needs’. The survey is geared towards any climate information end-user over Europe, from different countries and sectors, including the scientific community, public decision-making, private business, civil society and individuals.
If you wish to complete the survey – only takes about 15 minutes-, please click here.
We invite you to participate!
Achieving a great participation to this survey is essential. The more information, the more useful the results will be. Interaction between providers and users is crucial for ensuring that climate information meets user-needs and for providing a feedback mechanism for researchers for improving and tailoring products and tools.
Contact info: [ws.contact@ecliseaproject.ihcantabria.com]