We are glad to announce this online survey on “Climate Services – User needs”, developed under the framework of the ERA4CS research project ECLISEA (https://ecliseaproject.ihcantabria.com/), coordinated by the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria (https://www.ihcantabria.com/en/) in consortium with the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG, Germany), BRGM – French Geological Survey and CNRS (France) and NCSRD (Greece).
The survey is geared towards any climate information end-user, designed to better understand the climate-information demand from different countries and sectors, including the scientific community, public decision-making institutions, private business, civil society and the general public.
The resulting information will contribute to ensure that climate information meets user-needs and to provide a feedback mechanism for researchers for improving and tailoring products and tools.
For this reason, we believe that your participation in this study is essential. We would really appreciate if you could take (no more than) 15 minutes and complete the survey. You can access by clicking HERE (alternatively click: https://ecliseaproject.ihcantabria.com/1st-workshop-form/)
Please note that your responses to the survey will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only as a whole.
On behalf of the ECLISEA project team, thank you very much for your time!