A virtual meeting between the work‐package leaders within ECLISEA was held on October 26th. The goal of the meeting was to overview the ECLISEA project status, the activities within the work‐packages and inter-relationships, future meetings and objectives. 

ECLISEA has been structured in 6 WPs:  

WP0. Project management, communication and dissemination 

WP1. Review of existing data sets and stakeholders needs 

WP2. Review of existing data sets and stakeholders needs 

WP3. Predictability and uncertainty of SSDs on seasonal, decadal and long term future climate projections 

WP4. Coastal Climate impacts and uncertainties 

WP5. Prototype of a European Coastal Climate Service 


¿Need More Information?

Project ECLISEA is part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate, and funded by UC-IHC, HZG, BRGM, NCSRD and CNRS and co-funding  by the European Union.