Main objective of this work-package is to develop an integrated research of historical and present climate factors affecting sea surface dynamics over the European coasts and seas.
It will be carried out through the generation of a European climate database based on useful indicators for stakeholders and the analysis of climate factors that require further study to reduce uncertainties and to better characterize coastal hazards, such as the regional mean sea level rise and changes on extreme events with a low occurrence interval.
The topics to be analyzed are:
- Analyzing historical reconstructions of the mean sea level rise on the European coast and identifying their differences and deficiencies
- Characterizing the historical climate variations of storm surges and waves over Europe
- Understanding climate behavior of extreme met-ocean events through a better identification of regional features of extreme events and develop a probabilistic assessment of the localization of storms with low occurrence intervals (i.e. 50 years of return period).
This work-package will deliver the following outputs:
D2A.- Marine climate variability over the European seas and coasts.
D2B.- Good practice guidance in the field of regional studies of SSD.
D2C.- Scientific articles.
D2D.- A european database from historical and present climate conditions.