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Project ECLISEA is part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate, and funded by UC-IHCantabria, HZG, BRGM, NCSRD and CNRS with co-funding by the European Union.
Survey Authors: Ignacio Aguirre Ayerbe, Silvia Kodeih, Insa Meinke, Melisa Menéndez.
Deliverable Leader: UC-IHC
Participants: UC-IHC, HZG, BRGM, NCRSD, CNRS. Relevant WP: WP1- Review of existing data sets and stakeholders needs WP Leader: Insa Meinke (HZG) |
Project acronym: ECLISEA
Funding scheme: ERA4CS Joint Call on Researching and Advancing Climate Services Development by Institutional integration (Topic B)